The DVAC (Directorate of vigilance and anti-corruption) wing conducted multiple raids at the properties of former AIADMK minister KC Veeramani on Thursday and seized crores worth of assets that included a range of luxury cars and assorted jewellery. More than 100 officials conducted raids at 30 locations including the hometown of the ex-minister: Thirupatur, Chennai, Vellore, Ranipet, Thiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri. The raids also extended to a few locations in Karnataka.
KC Veeramani was handling the commercial tax and registration department from 2016-2021. The anti-corruption wing filed an FIR against him on Wednesday under the Prevention of Corruption Act. The FIR copy states that he acquired wealth 654% more than his known source of income between 2016 and 2021. It’s also mentioned that he acquired wealth to the tune of
Rs 28.78 crore disproportionate to his income. He also allegedly amassed wealth in his mother’s name who is 80 years old.
Post raids, the DVAC said that the seizures include nine luxury cars, including a Rolls Royce, 623 sovereigns of gold (5 kg approx.), Rs 34 lakh unaccounted cash, 7.2 kgs of silver, 47 grams of diamonds, bank passbooks and property documents in 30 different locations.
Meanwhile, the AIADMK cadres assembled outside the residence of Veeramani and raised slogans against the DMK, holding black flags. Former minister and senior leader of AIADMK Jayakumar cried political vendetta and alleged that the DMK government has ordered the raids in the wake of local body polls and to immobilize the leaders and the party, thus defaming the party’s name that will influence the election results.