The three-day meeting of the Infrastructure Working Group under the G20 Summit in Uttarakhand will begin at Narendranagar -Rishikesh today.
A total of 63 delegates from G20 member states, invitees and international organizations have arrived in Narendernagar to participate in the meeting.
During the three-day event, various official meetings and cultural programs have been planned for the delegates.
Apart from formal discussions, the delegates will experience the rich culture and beautiful landscapes of Rishikesh. The
Presidency has also arranged an excursion for the delegates on the afternoon of 28 June and has planned a "Yoga Retreat" on 26 June.
The G20 Infrastructure Working Group will deliberate on various aspects of infrastructure investment, including developing infrastructure as an asset class, promoting quality infrastructure investment, and mobilizing financial resources for infrastructure investment. The key priority to be discussed in this meeting is "Financing Tomorrow's Cities: Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable", among other priorities.