Three sisters allegedly ended their lives by jumping before a train here, police said on Friday. Preeti (16), Kajal (14) and Aarti (11), daughters of late Rajendra Prasad Gautam of Ahiroli village, jumped before Jansadharan Express train at Fattupur railway crossing on the Sultanpur rail section under Badlapur police station limits on Thursday night, City Superintendent of Police Sanjay Kumar said.
Police suspect that poverty could have driven the siblings to take such an extreme step. Their father Gautam died nine
years ago and their mother is visually impaired for the past three years. The three girls, along with their brother Ganesh, worked as labourers to run the house, the SP said. The sisters went missing from their house since evening and around 11 pm, their neighbours received the information that they had allegedly jumped before a train.
Gateman Pradeep, on seeing the mutilated bodies, informed the Superintendent of Shri Krishna Nagar railway station, Manoj Kumar. Their bodies have been sent for autopsy, the SP said.