New Delhi: The Ministry of Finance has said that total enrolment under the Atal Pension Yojana (APY) has crossed the five crore 20 lakh mark as of the 31st of March of this year. The scheme enrolled more than one crore 19 lakh new subscribers in the Financial Year 2022-23 as compared to 99 lahk in the last financial year, depicting a growth of more than 20 percent.
The Ministry said that as of date, the total assets under management in APY are more than 27 thousand 200 crore rupees and the scheme has generated an investment return of 8.69 percent since
inception of the scheme.
The Ministry said that in the Public Sector Banks (PSBs) category, nine banks achieved the annual target while the Bank of India, State Bank of India, and Indian Bank sourced more than a hundred APY accounts per branch.
Under the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) category, 32 banks achieved the annual target while Jharkhand Rajya Gramin Bank, Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, Tripura Gramin Bank, and Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank sourced more than 160 APY accounts per branch.