New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who has been detained in Uttar Pradesh's Sitapur on her way to violence-hit Lakhimpur district, is "fearless" and a "true Congressi" who will not accept defeat.
He also asserted that he "satyagraha" will not stop.
Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi was detained in Sitapur on her way to Lakhimpur Kheri, where eight people died and several others were injured on Sunday in the bloodiest clash since the farmers' protest over the Centre's agri laws began last
"The one who has been kept in custody, is fearless-- is a true Congressi, will not accept defeat! Satyagraha will not stop," Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi, using the hashtag 'FarmersProtest'.
Four of the dead in Lakhimpur were farmers, allegedly knocked down by vehicles driven by BJP workers travelling to welcome Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya.
The others were BJP workers and their driver, allegedly pulled out of the vehicles and then lynched by the protesters. Two cars were set on fire.