In another attack on the BJP, former ally Shiv Sena on Monday hit out the at the Narendra Modi-led Centre saying that US President Donald Trump's visit to India will make zero difference to the lives of poor and middle-class Indians.
Through an editorial in the mouthpiece Saamna, Sena welcomed Trump and said that India needs business from the US. "Trump will be in India for 36 hours during which Indo-US trade deals will take place. Considering the economic slowdown, India needs business from the US. It will help the rupee to revive."
It however, took a dig a Centre, saying that all economic problems can't be solved in 36 hours. "When Trump leaves India 36 hours after his arrival, there will be no signs of his visit on the soil of India," the Sena said.
On reports that Trump will discuss CAA and NRC with India, the Sena said that India doesn't need any guidance on internal
Trump will kick-start his 36-hour stay in India with a roadshow, a visit to Sabarmati Ashram and a massive welcome event at Motera Stadium. He will then emplane for Agra where he will take a tour of the Taj Mahal.
From Agra, Trump will come to Delhi around 7:30 pm where he will spend the entire day on Tuesday on official engagements.
The visit is expected to significantly ramp up the bilateral defence and strategic ties between India and the US but unlikely to produce tangible outcomes in resolving thorny issues like trade tariffs.
According to officials on both sides, the talks between Trump and Modi are likely to be focused on a wide variety of bilateral and regional issues including trade and investment, defence and security, counter-terrorism, energy security, religious freedom, the proposed peace deal with Taliban in Afghanistan and situation in the Indo-Pacific.