In Maharashtra, the death toll from a landslide in the Irshalwadi village of Raigad district rose to 22 yesterday. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams resumed their search and rescue operation at the landslide site, located in hilly terrain, around 6.30 am amid rainfall in the area after suspending the exercise overnight.

Four teams of the NDRF with the canine squad and advanced equipment have been conducting rescue operations in coordination with the State Administration, Police, and TDRF. In a statement, NDRF said that the NDRF control room is closely monitoring the situation and is in close contact with concerned authorities.

Speaking in the Maharashtra Assembly yesterday, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said extreme rains, gusty winds, and

the difficult terrain slowed down rescue operations. He informed that a base camp has been set up to provide necessary medical aid. 

Mr. Shinde added that container arrangements are also being made to accommodate the displaced families. He further informed that the government has decided to shift citizens from landslide-prone areas to safer and permanent resettlements. 

The Chief Minister announced that the City and Industrial Development Corporation - CIDCO has been assigned the job of constructing permanent homes for all the 48 affected families of Irshalwadi. Incessant rainfall triggered a massive landslide at Irshalwadi village in Khalapur tehsil, Raigad, Maharashtra on Wednesday midnight. 

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