The Crime Branch officials from Mira-Bhayandar Vasai-Virar (MBVV) police, based on CCTV camera footage, nabbed two persons from Solapur and Pune for allegedly stealing entertainment systems from 14 cars in their jurisdiction. Apart from these 14 cars, the crime branch found out that the duo has stolen entertainment systems from vehicles across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Pune city.
“This year there were several cases of thefts where the thieves broke the glass window
of parked vehicles and stole car tapes from them. We started sifting through CCTV camera footage and took help from our informers and managed to trace the accused,” said a crime branch official.
The arrested accused, Vinod Pawar and Abhishek Pawar, were traced to their residences in Solapur and Pune. The police have recovered 17 car entertainment systems from the accused and a bike that was used to commit the crime. The recovered items are collectively worth Rs 3.13 lakh.