In a significant development, two Pune police officers have been suspended due to major lapses in the investigation of the recent Porsche accident that resulted in two fatalities. The suspended officers were the first to arrive at the accident scene but failed to inform their senior officers and the police control room about the incident, leading to critical delays in the investigation.

Two officials from the Yerawada police station, Inspector Rahul Jagdale and Assistant Police Inspector Vishwanath Todkari, were suspended on Friday for "late reporting" and "dereliction of duty" in the

investigation of a car crash involving a 17-year-old juvenile. The juvenile’s Porsche knocked down and killed two individuals on May 19.

The accident, which occurred in the early hours of May 19 in Kalyani Nagar, was mishandled by the police. According to Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil, the police officers failed to promptly inform senior officers and the police control room. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar admitted there was a significant delay in collecting the juvenile’s blood samples, taken at 11 pm, long after the 3 am crash. The probe has now been transferred to the Crime Branch.
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