A two week long Lockdown has been imposed in Rajasthan from 5 am today. The lock down will be effective till 24th May. There will be a ban on marriage ceremonies in the state till May 31. Only registered marriages attended by not more than 11 people will be allowed.
News reports that except for medical emergencies, no inter-district, intercity, city to villages or villages to city travel will be allowed during the lockdown. All places of worship will remain
closed. Food, vegetable and fruit shops are allowed to open from 6 Am to 11 AM. All types of private and government transport are not allowed except emergency services in the state.
MNREGA works have been postponed to prevent infection in rural areas. Meanwhile, the number of active cases of Covid in the state has crossed 2 lakhs. 17 thousand 921 new cases of infection reported in the state yesterday. At the same time 16 thousand 880 people have been recovered.