Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has assured Prime Minister Narendra Modi of complete co-operation from the State Government to give momentum to the Mumbai-Nashik-Nagpur High Speed Railway Corridor and Mumbai-Pune Hyderabad High-Speed Railway (HSR) Corridor. However, he demanded that the rail corridor between Mumbai to Hyderabad be connected via Jalna and Nanded.
In a letter written to the Prime Minister, Mr Thackeray said, it is felt that if the Union and State Government collaborate on the 701-kilometre long Mumbai-Nagpur Samruddhi Mahamarg, the execution of the Mumbai-Nashik-Nagpur HSR can be started at the earliest. Maharashtra Government further proposes that since Mumbai-Nagpur HSR will be within the
Samruddhi Mahamarg right-of-way (RoW) up to Jalna, the same may be further extended to Hyderabad.
The State Government has already approved an expressway between Jalna and Nanded. Further, the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has already planned an expressway from Nanded to Hyderabad. He added that if the same logic of accommodating the High Speed Railway within the right-of-way of an expressway, as proposed by the National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) between Nagpur and Mumbai, the Mumbai-Hyderabad HSR can also be planned along the Mumbai-Nanded expressway via Jalna and further, within the RoW of the proposed expressway between Nanded and Hyderabad.