The Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak 2024 was introduced in the Lok Sabha yesterday by the Union Civil Aviation Minister Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu. While introducing the Bill, the Minister said, Aircraft Act was brought in 1934 and a lot of amendments have been made over the years. He said previously the amendments were incorporated into the Act several times.
He said these amendments created a lot of ambiguity and contradictions in terms of the functioning of internal organisations like
the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). He said The Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak has been brought to clear out the confusion.
The Bill empowers the Central Government to make rules for any aircraft or class of aircraft, and for securing the safety of aircraft operations. It is aimed to empower the government to make rules for the investigation of any air accident or incident.