New Delhi: Union Minister for Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw yesterday launched the ‘Amrit Mahotsav Shri Shakti Challenge 2021’ to encourage technology solutions developed by Women Entrepreneurs that facilitate Women’s Safety and Empowerment.
The aim is to empower women to help them achieve their full potential. Speaking at the Startup Women Entrepreneurs' Awards function virtually, the Minister hoped for the enthusiastic participation in the Shri Shakti Challenge.
Talking about the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem in the country, Mr Vaishnaw said that the number of incubators and accelerators which is around 100 at present, is not sufficient for a country of over 130 Crore
He said, the government will be scaling up the network of incubators and accelerators to phenomenally multiple levels in the next three years.
He said, all of these will be professionally managed and housed in institutions, industries and places where they will add real value.
He further added that the Government would be supporting the entrepreneurs and the startups in the initial risk phase which is most challenging phase as the angel investors and venture capitalists may not like to risk their time and money.
The Union Minister added that during this period of startup, the government will step in and will provide support.