Srinagar: In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Union Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Public Grievances, Dr. Jitendra Singh yesterday inaugurated a second separate Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) at Old Assembly Complex in Shergari area of Srinagar city. The opening of the new Bench of the CAT is aimed to cater to the needs and complaints of the government employees serving in the Kashmir Valley.
While addressing the inaugural function of the opening of the new Tribunal, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir has the distinction and is the only part of the country where the facility of two CAT Benches have been granted by the central government. He said Prime Minister
Narendra Modi accords special priority to J&K and takes a keen interest in the matters and issues related to Jammu and Kashmir.
He said that with the establishment of the new Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal in Srinagar, the burden of various court cases would be reduced and the government employees of the Kashmir region and Kargil Division would not have to suffer in registering their complaints and issues.
Meanwhile, Employees Joint Action Coordination Committee Jammu Kashmir (EJAC) welcomed the inauguration of CAT Bench in Srinagar. In a statement, EJAC President Fayaz Ahmad Shabnam said that the opening of the Bench will be a huge relief to the government employees of Kashmir.