New Delhi: Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri launched a PM SVANidhi mobile app for street vendors, to ease the loan application process and provide various information to them regarding the scheme. He commended the Prime Minster Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme on its three years completion.
Addressing an event in New Delhi, the Minister stated that PM SVANidhi Yojana is witnessing one of the fastest
roll-outs of government schemes. He further stated that it has led to an unparalleled wave of financial inclusion and digital literacy in cities and towns that has provided dignity and stability to Street Vendors.
The scheme aims to restore self-employment, Self-Sustenance, and Self-Confidence among street vendors. The scheme has also empowered COVID-19-affected street vendors to resume their livelihood.