Union Steel Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy visited the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant yesterday. The visit came against the backdrop of the Union Cabinet’s approval of 11,440 crore rupees for the revival of the steel plant. The Union Minister inspected the plant and assured the employees of all possible support from the Central Government.
The Union Minister of Steel H.D. Kumaraswamy who visited the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant said that reviving
the steel plant is important to strengthen India’s steel sector and achieve Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s goal of 300 Million tons per annum steel production by 2030. Speaking on this occasion, the Union Minister said,(Voice bite of the minister). The Rs.11,440 crore revival package marks a new era for the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant reinforcing the slogan Visakha Ukku-Andhrula Hakku(Visakha Steel-Andhra people’s right).