Rural Development Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has launched National Mobile Monitoring Software, NMMS app and Area officer monitoring App through Video-Conferencing.
The NMMS App permits taking real time attendance of workers at Mahatma Gandhi NREGA worksites along with geotagged photograph, which will increase citizen oversight of the programme besides potentially enabling processing payments faster.
Area Officer Monitoring App facilitates them to record their findings online along with time stamped and go-coordinate tagged photograph for all the schemes of Department of Rural Development.
This will enable
not only better record keeping of inspections by field and supervisory officials but also facilitate analysis of the findings for better programme implementation.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Tomar lauded the efforts of bringing transparency and accountability to the execution of the Rural Development Programmes.
He said, these two Apps will be big steps towards bringing in transparency and effective monitoring of schemes.
Mr Tomar advised the Ministry to make the apps multilingual, provide sufficient training and equipment and allow time for its rollout.