New Delhi: Union Minister Piyush Goyal will arrive in Shimla today on a three-day visit to Himachal Pradesh. He will participate in various programs under the Seva Aur Samarpan Abhiyan, in Shimla today. During his visit, Piyush Goyal will participate in programs including plantation, cleanliness drive, blood donation camp, Vanijya Saptah and Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana program among others.
Under the Seva Aur Samarpan Abhiyan, various programs will be organized by the state BJP, for which Union Minister Piyush Goyal is reaching Shimla this afternoon.
Union Minister will visit a vaccination center in Jatog Tutu where he will participate in a plantation and cleanliness program. He will also
take part in a blood donation camp organized by the BJP Yuva Morcha at kahlini today. Union Minister Piyush Goyal will preside over the launch of the third and fourth phases of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana for the state in Shimla tomorrow.
On this occasion, he will interact with the beneficiaries of the scheme and distribute free ration bags. He will also interact with exporters of all districts through a virtual medium. During his three days visit the Union Minister will also meet and interact with artisans of handlooms and handicrafts at Atal Sadan in the Kullu district. Union minister will inspect Atal tunnel Rohantag at Lahul spiti on the 26th of this month.