New Delhi: Union Minister for AYUSH Sarbananda Sonowal will today inaugurate the two-day National Ayush Mission (NAM) Conclave in New Delhi. Along with Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Health and Ayush Ministers from various States including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Goa and Jharkhand will also attend the funciton.The two day conclave will pave way for better coordination among stakeholders and strengthen Ayush Health and Wellness Centres functioning.
National Ayush Mission, launched in 2014, is the flagship program of Ministry of Ayush and with active cooperation of States and UTs governments, it is changing the Health and
wellness landscape in states.
The objective of the Mission is to enhance the availability, accessibility, and quality of Ayush healthcare services across the country through Ayush Health Wellness centers as part of Government of India’s Ayushman Bharat scheme.
The government had approved the operationalization of 12 thousand 500 Ayush Health Wellness Centres by upgrading existing Ayush Dispensaries and Health Sub-centre under the broad umbrella of NAM in a phased manner. So far more than 8 thousad 500 such centres have been setup across the country and are serving the communities.