Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah and Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya will be on a two-day visit to Uttarakhand from today. Mr. Shah will participate in various events at Haridwar including the inauguration ceremony of Patanjali University. Cooperative Minister Dr Dhan Singh Rawat said that Mr. Shah will launch various schemes of the Cooperative Department from Rishikul Ayurvedic College Ground.
Union Minister will also inaugurate the computerisation of various multipurpose societies in the state. Mr
Shah will also launch Jan Suvidha Kendras and Jan Aushadhi Kendras in the Multipurpose Societies.
According to an official spokesman, he will also participate in the first convocation of Guru kul Kangri University. Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya will visit Dehradun and Chamoli districts during his visit. He will discuss various issues under the Vibrant Village Programme with the villagers and public representatives of village Malari in Chamoli district.