Union Railways Minister Piyush Goyal yesterday reviewed the progress of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail link Project through Video conferencing. During the meeting, Mr Goyal instructed to put in extra efforts in the coming months to make up for the loss of time due to the second wave of COVID. He was apprised that the budget of the project for the current financial year is four thousand two hundred crore rupees.
Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail link Project having length of 272 Kilometre long Railway
Line from Udhampur to Baramulla joining the Kashmir valley with rest of the country. It was declared a National Project in 2002. Out of 272 Kilometre of this Project, work has been completed on 161 Kilometre and commissioned. Arch closure of world highest Railway Bridge, Chenab Bridge was successfully carried out last month.
The 136 kilometre railway line from Banihal to Baramulla has already been commissioned and its electrification work has also been sanctioned.