The Uttar Pradesh Police has arrested two men in connection with the mysterious death of two girls in Unnao. Earlier this week, three girls were found in a field by the villagers when they did not return after leaving their house to take fodder for cattle. The villagers rushed the teenagers to a hospital, where two of them were declared brought dead. The other girl was rushed to a district hospital and later referred to a Kanpur healthcare facility.
One of the two accused is a minor. Prime accused Vinay has confessed that he fed water laced with pesticides to the girls. The police traced Vinay's location and it
matched with the incident site. The girls and the accused knew each other, officials said.
According to the police, Vinay had proposed to one of the girls, but she refused his offer. Out of angst, Vinay mixed pesticides in water and fed all the girls. He later escaped the spot when the girls fell unconscious.
On Friday morning, the bodies of Komal (15) and Kajal (14) were buried in their agriculture fields in the presence of senior officials and police personnel in large numbers. The bodies were brought to their village after a post-mortem was done on Thursday but the last rites could not be performed on the day.
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