Kuldeep Singh Sengar, the main accused in the Unnao gang-rape case, will be produced in court on Friday along with another accused Shashi Singh. Previously, Sengar could not be produced in court on two occasions - once on the grounds of ill health and then because of inadequate security.

Sengar, the accused MLA, has been in a jail in Sitapur with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing the case. On June 4, 2017, the survivor along with Shashi Singh had approached Sengar at his home in Uttar Pradesh’s Makhi village, where the incident took place. Singh, who was later held by police, allegedly stood guard outside

the room as Sengar and his associates reportedly proceeded to gang-rape the woman. The local police delayed filing an FIR while it is alleged that Sengar framed the father of the woman in an Arms Act.

After a national outcry, CBI took over the probe and has since confirmed the rape allegations against Sengar and has also booked him for framing her father which eventually led to his death on April 9 in judicial custody.

Sengar has repeatedly claimed innocence and has said that the truth will emerge. The charges against him are strong and the CBI is expected to put forth a water-tight case against him.
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