Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government has increased the price of sugarcane by Rs 25 per quintal in the state. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, while addressing the Kisan Sammelan in Lucknow yesterday, said that the state government is ready to take all possible steps to bring about a massive positive change in the lives of farmers and the government has decided to increase the sugarcane price in the interest of sugarcane farmers.
The Chief Minister said that after the present government came to power in the year 2017, the sugarcane price arrears of the previous governments regime from the year 2009-10 to the year were paid to the farmers. He said that the present government started the operation of closed sugar mills in the interest of sugarcane farmers.
"The state government has increased the price of sugarcane from rupees 325 per quintal to 350 per quintal. Whereas the price of
ordinary variety sugarcane of rupees 315 per quintal will now be rupees 340 per quintal, and the cane price of other less yielding category sugarcane have also been increased by rupees 25 Per quintal. The Chief Minister said that with this increase in sugarcane price, there would be an additional 08 percent increase in the income of 45 lakh sugarcane farmers of the state.
He said that during the last four and a half years, farmers were paid the rupees 01 lakh 44 thousand crore for cane price. He told Instructions have been given for early payment of sugarcane price and operation of sugar mills by November 30, this year. He said that during the Corona period when the sugar industry was getting badly affected in the country and globally, the state government got all the 119 sugar mills in the state operated using technology."