Mumbai: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath arrived on a two-day tour to Mumbai yesterday. Talking to the representatives from his State gathered at Hotel Taj in Mumbai, Mr. Adityanath said, that Uttar Pradesh is growing rapidly, and is on the way to becoming a one trillion economy.
Referring to the decisive reforms in the legal system of the State, he said, many new possibilities of multi-faceted development have been taking place in the State. After arriving at the Mumbai airport around 4:00 yesterday, he was welcomed by North Indian communities in large numbers. He
later went to Hotel Taj where he listened
The UP Chief Minister during his visit to the financial capital will invite investors to the Global Investors Conference to be held in his State from the 10th to the 12th of February.
Today, the UP Chief Minister will pay a visit to the famous Siddhivinayak temple. Later, he will interact with the representatives associated with Bollywood and industrial institutions including the banking sector. He will also meet the captains of the industry later in the day.