Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered a ‘sero survey’ across the state from June 4. The survey will help find the volume of immunity among the people of state against the deadly coronavirus.
The survey involves testing blood serum of a group of individuals to determine the presence of antibodies against corona infection and its findings were expected to be released by the end of June. Stating that it was necessary to conduct the survey, the chief minister, while addressing a high level meeting on Monday, said that the samples would be collected from June 4 and would enable an assessment of the status of infection at different scales
including gender and age.There are people who did not undergo RT-PCR tests and could be asymptomatic.
In cases like these, the sero survey could be a significant step at this time of the pandemic as medical professionals look for IGG against COVID-19 which helps in finding who has developed immunity against the virus. Many microbiologists explained that when virus attacks, the body combats with a protective immune response producing an antibody, a kind of protein, called immunoglobulin (IG). But in the case of coronavirus infection, scientists look for IG-M and IG-G from the host of IGs present in the body.