Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has said that his government will send a proposal to the central government to make a law and bring in the provision of death penalty for the rape of minor girls.
Holding a review meeting with top administrative and police official yesterday chief minister asked them to step up efforts to ensure the safety of women in the state.
He instructed all DMs and SSPs of the state to launch the awareness campaign for women security and warned that top police official of the district will be held responsible for any crime incident against women in their
Chief Minister also asked to improve 1090 women helpline system and connect it with Dial 100 and Anti Romeo Squad. In the presence of DGP and all top officials of the state chief minister categorically said that no tainted police officers should be given charge of any police station in the state.
He instructed top police officials to regularly visit their area and ordered intense patrolling by SO and SSP rank policemen.
Chief Minister has appealed Schools, NGO’s, Self-help groups and trusts to participate in the awareness campaign for women security.