Lucknow: The day-long special session of Uttar Pradesh Assembly has been convened today. The main agenda of the session is election of Deputy Speaker. Assembly Speaker Hriday Narayan Dixit said that as per the agenda decided by the business advisory committee, house will first take up the obituary references followed by the voting for the election of the deputy speaker.
The Contest has become interesting as 2 Samajwadi party MLAs will fight for the post of deputy speaker. BJP leader Nitin Agarwal and
Samajwadi party MLA Narendra Singh verma have filed their nomination for the deputy speaker post of UP assembly.
Nitin Agarwal, who technically continues to be an SP MLA, had joined the BJP with his father and former MP Naresh Agarwal in 2018. Speaker Hriday Narayan Dikshit had recently rejected the Samajwadi Party’s petition seeking disqualification of Nitin Agarwal and the Samajwadi party decided to challenge the BJP nominee Nitin Agarwal.