Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reiterates that the state government is committed to probe the Lakhimpur Kheri violence thoroughly. He said, an Special Investigation Team - SIT consisting of senior police officials has been constituted and a Judicial Commission has also been appointed to probe the matter. He said the state government has also appealed to citizens repeatedly to share the videos related to Sunday’s incident in which 8 persons have died.
Participating in a TV channel’s
programmes in Gorakhpur yesterday, the Chief Minister accused opposition parties of venturing into political tourism in Lakhimpur. He said the opposition parties are trying to create a situation of class struggle in the district. Questioning the motive of the opposition parties, the Chief Minister asked why no political party visited the state during the hard times of Covid pandemic. He said that only the BJP governments of central and the state helped people during those crisis days.