The Uttar Pradesh government has ordered an inquiry by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) against senior IAS officer Mohammad Iftekharuddin. The move came after videos were shared alleging that he was preaching about ‘religious conversion’ at his official residence.
The videos were reportedly filmed in UP’s Kanpur. Mr Iftekharuddin is a 1985 batch officer who was posted in Kanpur between 2007 and 2018 in various positions. Now, he is in Lucknow as chief of the state’s Road Transport Corporation and has reportedly said that he has been “misinterpreted.”
The videos were first shared
by the verified twitter account of Neeraj Jain, who is the Deputy Mayor of the municipal corporation in Ajmer, Rajasthan.
The UP government’s home department yesterday morning in a tweet said that the SIT’s inquiry would be headed by an officer of director general of police (DGP), rank and that it would submit its report in seven days.
UP deputy chief minister Keshav Maurya earlier this week on September 27 remarked that the state would take this matter seriously. “There will be an inquiry and we will take action after it concludes,” he said.