The Uttar Pradesh government has ordered an inquiry into the Aligarh Hooch tragedy which claimed 18 lives during the past 2 days. Police have arrested 4 persons including one seller and one key accused so far. Government also suspended the Aligarh district excise officer, two excise inspectors and two others in connection with the case.
Additional Chief Secretary (Excise) Sanjay Bhoosreddy said that a departmental action has been initiated against them. At least 18 people from three villages of Aligarh district have died after consuming spurious liquor since Thursday night. Many others from the same villages have also been admitted to hospitals. Some of them are stated to be
ADG-Agra Zone Rajiv Krishna said, four men, including one of the three key accused Anil Chaudhary, have been arrested. Other accused, including two other key accused Rishi Sharma and Vipin Yadav are on the run. A bounty of 50,000 rupees has been placed on the arrest of each of the two absconding key accused.
As many as six police teams have been formed to investigate the Hooch tragedy and arrest the absconding accused. Five licensed liquor vends near the affected villages have been sealed and all country made licensed liquor vends across Aligarh district have been closed till the investigation in the hooch tragedy case is completed.