Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh will celebrate its first year in office today. Yogi government assumed office on this day last year. A programme is being organised at the Lok Bhawan in Lucknow to mark the completion of one year in office.
A film 'Ek Saal-Naee Misaal' will be screened and a booklet with the same title will be released at the programme to highlight the achievements of the state government. Chief Minister Yogi Aditya Nath will attend the function.
A booklet containing achievements and roadmap of progress and development of the State is being released today in a function organised at Lok Bhawan at Lucknow. It will be attended by the State Governor Ram Naik, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, both deputy chief ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dr Dinesh Sharma and ministers of the State government and senior leaders of BJP and its allies.
Unfavourable results of recently held parliamentary
by-elections in the State have not dampened the enthusiasm of BJP leaders to celebrate the completion of one year of Yogi government in the State. Posters, banners and hoardings highlighting the achievements of Yogi government have been put at important places across the state.
State BJP president Dr Mahendra Nath Pandey has said that Yogi government has not only streamlined the derailed system in the state during non-bjp regimes of previous governments of regional Parties but has successfully implemented several schemes and programs in the favour of common men and for the progress of the state.
He has said that waving of the loans of 36 thousand crore rupees of farmers, availability of power in rural areas, increase in the support price of agro products and extending help to potato growing farmers and ensuring timely payment of sugar cane farmers by the millers are included in major achievements of the state government.