The Uttar Pradesh police on Saturday arrested a 62-year-old man in Chennai for allegedly circulating derogatory remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media.
The police said Mohan Mishra, 62, participated in a protest at Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, and circulated videos criticising Modi on social media. A case was registered against him at the Kotwali police station for offences under the Disaster Management Act and the Epidemic Diseases Act.
“Manmohan works as an agent to avail PAN cards and Aadhaar cards, a police officer told the media. He is said to be very active on social media and often posts videos on YouTube criticising the Union
government and Modi.”
In most of his videos, Mishra had criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party government over its handling of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. In another video, he said Modi should resign as he failed to help people during the health crisis.
Arul Santhosa Muthu, assistant commissioner at Madhavaram police station in Chennai, said that a team of officers from Uttar Pradesh reached Chennai on Friday, media reported.
The Madhavaram magisterial court granted a transit remand to the Uttar Pradesh Police. After a medical examination, Mishra was taken to Uttar Pradesh. However, the charges against him are not known yet.