Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday launched a mobile application that gives users the locations of free COVID test centres within a radius of five kilometres in the state. Launching the "Mera Covid Kendra" app, Adityanath said it was an initiative of the state government to help people who want to get themselves tested for the virus.
Stressing that the state government has been making efforts at every level to check the spread of COVID-19, Adityanath said all districts of
Uttar Pradesh have free testing facilities, and rates have been fixed for tests done in private labs.
It is because of the high number of tests being conducted that the state has managed to check the spread of the infection, he said, adding this is a result of inter departmental coordination and teamwork.
The chief minister congratulated frontline COVID warriors and the Health department, saying conducting over two crore tests, the highest for any state in the country, was an achievement.
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