Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the law and order situation of the state with the senior police and administrative officials in Lucknow on Sunday after the murder of gangster turn politician Atiq Ahmad and his brother on Saturday night in Prayagraj. Senior police officials including DGP and special DG law and order aprised Chief Minister about the latest development in the case. All three accused arrested for the murder of Atiq and his brother were produced before the court. They were sent into police custody for 14 days by the court. Law and order situation continues to remain stable in state and there is no report of any untoward
Meanwhile, postmortem of Atiq and his brother Ashraf was conducted by a panel of doctors and videography was also conducted by the administration. Their bodies have been handed over to family members for the last rites.
Police is keeping extra vigil in the sensitive areas of the state and intense checking of vehicles is going on. Heavy police force has been deployed in chakia, beniganj, dhumnganj areas of Prayagraj along with the other areas where Atiq Ahmed had its support base. Internet service in Prayagraj district has been stopped and section 144 has been imposed.