Lucknow: In Uttar Pradesh, torrential rain has disrupted normal life in almost every part of the state. Unprecedented weather conditions have forced the administration to close the schools till 12th in many districts of state from today. Metrological department has issued warning of heavy rain in next 24 hours.'
In the wake of the warning issued by meteorological department, administration in state capital Lucknow has issued advisory to the citizen to not to go outside unless it is very necessary administration has also issued helpline numbers in case of
Almost all districts of Uttar Pradesh are witnessing heavy to moderate rain from last 24 hours after a brief relief on yesterday. Lightening and other rain related accidents have claimed several lives in different districts. trees have fallen, power supply disrupted, lanes are water logged and normal traffic affected badly due to torrential rain. farmers are now worried about their paddy and other crops. many major rivers are in spate and water level of rivers like Sharda, Ghagra Saryu and rapti is rising continuously.