Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh government has hiked the honorarium of the members of three tier Panchayat system in state. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made this and many other announcements while addressing a gathering of panchayat representatives during a village panchayat conference held to honour 356 village panchayats for their excellent work. He also dedicated 42478 new panchayat bhawans that will function as village secretariats.
The monthly honorarium of village pradhans has been increased from the current rupees 3,500 to rupees 5,000, of kshetra panchayat chiefs from rupees 9,800 to rupees11,300 and of zila
panchayat chairpersons from rupees 14,000 to rupees 15,500.
Chief Minister also announced introduction of allowance for village panchayat members for the first time, fixing it at rupees 100 per gram sabbha meeting with each village panchayat to hold 12 such meetings every year.
The allowance of kshetra panchayat and zila panchayat members was increased from rupees 500 to rupees 1,000 per meeting (maximum 6 meetings a year) and from rupees1,000 to rupees 1,500 per meeting (maximum six meetings a year) respectively