Dehradun: In Uttarakhand, the health department has given instructions for checking passengers coming from other states on the borders and conducting Covid tests in view of increasing cases of corona infection. Secretary Health Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pandey informed that so far, no case of new variant has been reported in the state, however, special vigil is being kept on the people coming in the state. He said, the information of passengers coming from other countries is being shared by Central Government with the state.
Director-General of Health Dr. Tripti
Bahuguna held a meeting yesterday with the CMOs of all the districts through video conferencing regarding the new variant of Covid. She asked for checking and taking samples of people coming into the state on the borders itself.
Along with this, instructions have been given to increase Covid sampling at the district level.
Meanwhile, 36 Corona Positive cases were reported in the state. According to Health Bulletin issued late last evening, the recovery Percentage is 96.01 percent.