Indian Army’s Vajra Corps is celebrating the Vijay Diwas from today at Amritsar. Three-day scheduled programs will lead to the 53rd anniversary of the 1971 war victory against Pakistan on December 16, which led to the creation of Bangladesh.
A two-day ‘Weapon and Equipment Display’ will be held for general public at Punjab State War Heroes’ Memorial and Museum today and tomorrow to showcase the might and technological advancements of the Indian Army. The display will feature a range of military hardware, including artillery guns, tanks and
state-of-the-art equipment with the latest technology.
A cultural extravaganza “Ek Shaam Veeron Ke Naam” will be held on 15 December at Gobindgarh Fort, Amritsar, featuring Gatka and Khukri dance. A Lights and Sound Show on the most fiercely fought Battle of Saragarhi and a movie clip on Military campaigns in Punjab showcasing the rich heritage of the Indian Army will also be shown. A Fusion Band Concert paying tribute to the brave soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice during the War will be also held.