Mumbai: NCP leader Sharad Pawar on Sunday said that he was personally keen to include the Prakash Ambedkar-led Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi in the Maha Vikas Aghadi. Acknowledging that the VBA has its distinct vote bank, Mr. Pawar said that the party has asked for six Lok Sabha seats and their demand is being considered. The MVA, which includes Congress, Shiv Sena UBT and NCP (Sharadchandra Pawar) parties, has held four meeting to discuss seat sharing formula for the Lok Sabha. However, there is no breakthrough particularly because of the indecision over VBA’s participation in the alliance.

In the MVA meeting held earlier this week in Mumbai, the VBA has given a list of 26 seats, where it is prepared to contest. It has asked the other MVA parties clarify how many of those 26 seats will be given to the VBA. Mr. Pawar clarified that the VBA has not demanded 26 seats. Speaking to reporters in Baramati, Mr. Pawar said, “The VBA has demanded six Lok Sabha seats. I am making personal efforts to bring them in the MVA. The VBA has its own vote bank and it is an important party.”

The veteran Maharashtra

leader is also trying to rope in Rashtriya Samaj Paksha chief Mahadev Jankar in the MVA fold. He has offered to leave Madha Lok Sabha seat for Mr. Jankar if he join the MVA. Mr. Jankar, who served as a minister in the Devendra Fadnavis-led BJP government from 2016 to 2019. He has also contested Lok Sabha elections twice from Baramati seat against Supriya Sule. However, lately he is not happy with the BJP and Mr. Pawar is trying to bring him to the MVA. He is even ready to leave the Madha seat to Jankar from his party’s quota. 

However, Mr. Jankar gave a cautious reply to Mr. Pawar’s proposal. “It is a good thing if he gives us Madha seat. But the MVA should clarify how many seats will given to the RSP apart from the one offered by Mr. Pawar. VBA chief Prakash Ambedkar said his alliance with the MVA has not been finalised yet and he will be meeting Sharad Pawar Monday to discuss certain issues. “I have heard that Sharad Pawar is willing to offer five-six Lok Sabha seats. But I have not received any official communication from the MVA,” Mr. Ambedkar said.

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