Rashtriya Janata Dal Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav was on Friday seen playing badminton. In a video posted by RJD leader and Yadav's son Tejashwi Yadav, on Instagram, the 75-year-old was seen enjoying the sport. Captioning the post, Tejashwi wrote in Hindi, “Have not learned to be scared, have not learned to bow…Have fought, will fight, will not be scared of prison, and will win the end.”
The post has garnered several likes and comments on Instagram with users appreciating the RJD leader for his enthusiasm.
Lalu Prasad Yadav underwent surgery for kidney transplantation in Singapore last year. The leader was suffering from multiple health problems. Taking to Twitter, his daughter shared a picture of Lalu and herself prior to the surgery. She tweeted, "Ready to rock and roll. Wish me good luck.”