Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal on Saturday alleged that the video, which the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released yesterday, was edited saying only 50 seconds of the clip was released when she had got frustrated trying to convince the security people.

Taking to social media platform X, Swati Maliwal said, "First Bibhav beat me mercilessly. Slapped and kicked. When I freed myself and called 112, I went outside, called security, and they started making the video. I was screaming and telling the security that Bibhav had beaten me very brutally. That entire long part of the video was edited. Only 50 seconds were released when I was frustrated trying to convince the security people. Now they have formatted the phone and deleted the entire video? CCTV footage also

missing! Even conspiracy has its limits!"

Swati Maliwal's remark has come at a time when Bibhav Kumar is being produced in a Delhi court as the Delhi Police is seeking his 7-day custody.

Presenting its arguments in the court, the Delhi Police said that they asked for the DVR, that was provided in a pen drive... the footage was found to be blank. An iPhone has been given to the Police, but now the accused is not sharing the password. The phone has been formatted.

On Friday, Aam Aadmi Party released a video named "Swati Ka Sach" concerning its own MP Swati Maliwal who recently alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Personal Assistant (PA) Bibhav Kumar abused and assaulted her at the CM residence.
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