New Delhi: Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has said that the Central team has found that majority of cases of viral fever and deaths among children in Firozabad district of Uttar Pradesh are due to dengue.
He said, a few cases are due to scrub Typhus and Leptospirosis.
In a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary, Mr Bhushan said, the Centre has suggested that all fever patients to be screened for Dengue, Malaria, Scrub Typhus and Leptospirosis.
It stressed the need to strengthen ELISA-based testing facilities.
The activities related to fever survey, vector control and fever camps to continue as per micro-plan submitted by the
Central Team.
Surveillance is to be strengthened with implementation of Integrated Health Information Platform in the District in coordination with Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme and National Centre for Disease Control.
The Centre has asked the states to augument isolation beds and admission facilities in District Hospital of Firozabad and neighbouring districts.
The National Centre for Disease Control has deputed two Epidemic Intelligence Service officers in the district for a period of next 14 days. They will assist the District Administration in strengthening its outbreak response.