Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has congratulated the entire nation on the historical moment of dedication of the New Building of Parliament for the largest and mother of democracy. In a tweet, Mr Dhankhar said, it is eminently befitting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the first Prime Minister of the country born after Independence, has dedicated this magnificent building.
The Vice President said, he firmly believe that Parliament is the 'North Star' of democracy and it is the most authentic constitutional forum reflecting the mandate of the people. He said, its decisive role in law-making and shaping the destiny of Bharat is inviolable and it is the basic mantra, nectar and essence of democracy.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has also congratulated every citizen of India on the inauguration
of the new Parliament building. He expressed his heartfelt feelings to the Shram Yogis who toiled to make the nation's dream of a new Parliament building come true in a record time. Mr Shah said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the new Parliament to the nation and the edifice is not only the place where people's aspirations will bloom to fruition but is also the marker of the beginning of India's journey towards excellence in every field in Amrit Kaal.
He said, the Sengol installed in the new Parliament by the Prime Minister on Sunday bridges India's cultural heritage with its present. The Home Minister said, it will continue to remind future generations of Indians about the significance of the virtue of righteousness in our rich culture.