Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu yesterday asserted that there is no scope for outside interference in India's internal matters. Expressing his concern over the trend of foreign bodies interfering in matters that are completely within the purview of the Indian Parliament and the Indian Government, Mr Naidu said that such efforts are totally uncalled for and unwarranted and expressed hope that they will refrain from making such statements in future. He was addressing a gathering after a book launch event in New Delhi.
The Vice President said that as a mature Republic and democratic polity, India is capable of addressing the concerns of its citizens and needs no advice or guidance in such matters
from others. He said, the country has successfully withstood various challenges and overcome several challenges and it is now more united than ever before. He complimented people of the country for India’s successful 70-year long journey as a Republic and said, the country will always be committed to Justice, Liberty and Equality for all citizens.
Asserting that Indian polity and democracy provided enough space for expressing differences and dissent whenever warranted, the Vice President said that whenever basic and fundamental rights of citizens came under threat, citizens rose in unison and defended them, as was seen against emergency.