Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact today with Governors and Lieutenant Governors regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The interaction will be held through video conferencing.
Last week, Prime Minister had held meeting with the Chief Ministers on Covid situation.
Mr. Modi had stressed on the need to create micro containment zones to effectively contain the rising cases of Covid-19.
The Prime Minister had also urged States to intensify their efforts on war-footing.
The Meeting has been called amid rising cases of Covid-19 and Center's all out efforts to check the spread of infection by
encouraging stronger adherence to the Covid appropriate behaviour among citizens.
The Governors and LGs meeting is significant as Centre is intended to involve all stakeholders and leave no stone unturned to check the sudden spike.
The interaction comes days after Mr Modi in a virtual meeting with Chief Ministers had called for the involvement of Governors in handling the pandemic saying it will send a positive message and help bring people from different walks of life together.
In March last year, President Ram Nath Kovind had interacted with Governors and Lieutenant Governors soon after the Covid-19 outbreak.