Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has clarified that without any injustice to OBC people or damage in OBC reservation, we are trying our best to give reservation to Maratha community. He was speaking late last night to media after a meeting at his residence Varsha. He said government is committed to give reservation but opposition is misleading people and making a political issue.
Mr Shinde further said that unfortunately, they are trying to create discord and rift between Maratha community and OBC brothers. Former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had proposed 12 to 13 percent reservation to Maratha community as SEBC. This reservation was upheld in the High Court as well.
OBCs were not affected anywhere in that. But unfortunately this reservation was cancelled in the Supreme Court. He also said that the Maratha community has an idea that due to the inaction of the then government,
it was not properly argued.
Explaining that the Maratha community will not rest without getting reservation, Chief Minister Shinde said that every effort will have to be made to get back the cancelled reservation of the Maratha community. We will do that. The curative petition is also pending in the Supreme Court. We are going to request about that too. At the same time, an independent commission has been appointed to prove that the society is socially backward.
Along with this, a task force of many renowned experts has been established. The government will try to prove the backwardness of the Maratha community. The Chief Minister also assured that reservation will be given to the Maratha community without reducing the reservation of any other community. The Chief Minister has also appealed that no one should mislead the brothers of these two communities.