Days after the West Bengal government cancelled the secondary (Class 10) and higher secondary (Class 12) examination 2021, the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) has announced that all the students of class 11 will be promoted to class 12 without taking examination due to the prevailing COVID-19 situation.
The WBCHSE in a circular has informed the heads of all higher secondary institutions across the state that all the Class 11 students should be promoted to Class 12 by July 15.
The council said that guardians of the students with proper identity documents may complete the admission procedure on behalf of their wards while adhering to COVID-19 protocols.
The notification by WBCHSE has given relief to class 11 students as they were waiting for the decision regarding their promotion to the next class.
On June 7, West Bengal joined the various states of the country that have cancelled their class 10 and 12 board examinations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In a press conference on Monday, the CM Mamata Banerjee said that public opinion was against the conducting of board exams amidst the pandemic.
After announcing the cancellation of the board examination, she in a tweet said, “We will work out the best possible way to secure the future of our children.”
The Chief Minister has directed the Education Minister Bratya Basu and the board officials to inform within 7 days how the students will be assessed after the cancellation of board exams.
The ICSE and CBSE boards have already cancelled Class 10 and 12 examinations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.