West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee would be attending a review meeting called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the cyclone-led devastation, during his visit to the state today.
She said that the meeting will be held at Kalaikunda in West Medinipur district.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visting West Bengal and Orissa today to inspect the damage caused by Cyclone Yaas.
He will hold a meeting with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at Kalaikunda Airport in West Medinipore district before returning to Delhi.
The chief minister said the prime minister had called her for a meeting on Friday to discuss the damage caused by the cyclone in the state.
She will be present there.
Note that
the Chief Minister herself is going to visit the district today to review the damage caused by the cyclone Yaas.
According to a preliminary review by the state government, damage of at least Rs 15,000 crore is expected to have happened in the disaster caused by the cyclone.
The central government has already announced more than Rs 400 crore in advance compensation for the damage caused by the storm.
Besides, on behalf of the state government, the Chief Minister said that another Rs 1,000 crore would be allocated for relief and compensation.
It is expected that the Center will be asked to allocate the necessary funds on behalf of the state by raising the issue of loss in a meeting with the Prime Minister today.