The West Bengal government yesterday approached the Calcutta High Court, challenging the special court’s verdict of life imprisonment for Sanjay Roy, and seeking a death penalty. Sanjay Roy was convicted of raping and murdering a junior doctor at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata in August last year.
State Advocate General Kishor Datta approached the division bench of Justice Debangshu Basak and Justice Shabbar Rashidi in this regard. The division bench has admitted the petition from the state
Day before Yesterday, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced that the state government would approach the Calcutta High Court to seek the “death penalty” for the convict. She said in a statement that she strongly felt that it was a heinous crime that warrants capital punishment.
Sanjay Roy was given life imprisonment under sections 64,66 and 103(1) of the BNS. The court also directed the state government to give 17 lakh rupees to the family of the victim.